2021 AuSPEN Conference
to Nov 20

2021 AuSPEN Conference

We are excited to announce that the 46th AuSPEN Annual Scientific Meeting will be hosted in Melbourne from the 18th - 20th November 2021.

The theme of the 2021 conference is ‘Taking Nutrition to the Next Level’; it will focus on optimising nutrition care across the continuum of health care and stepping up to deliver higher quality of care into the future. There will be an emphasis on technology, models of care and patient centred outcomes across the program. We hope to provide multidisciplinary health professionals an opportunity to reflect on current practice and offer insights into the future of nutrition care, to motivate all to take nutrition to the next level.

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2021 ISA-ISPID Conference
to Nov 13

2021 ISA-ISPID Conference

  • Brisbane Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On behalf of the International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA) and the International Society for the study and prevention of Perinatal and Infant Death (ISPID), in conjunction with the Australian Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth and Red Nose, We are delighted to invite you to join us at the 2021 International Conference in Brisbane at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, 11-13 November 2021

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GENEYE Podcast & Training Series
to Sep 22

GENEYE Podcast & Training Series

Aspire to improve but can’t find the time? Sick of lectures and dull power-point slides? Can’t stay awake? Want to learn through doing, by immersion, by experience? YES? Then GENEYE is for you!

Checko out our 2020 Podcast series and we look forward to bringing you more content in 2021!

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2021 PSANZ Virtual Congress
to Mar 31

2021 PSANZ Virtual Congress

The 2021 PSANZ Virtual Congress will take place from the 29th - 31st March 2021.

Our digital congress will use vFAIRS to help us plan a world-class online event, and connect with attendees through robust chat tools, webinars, immersive booths, and endlessly valuable content.

We look forward to seeing you online!

Find out more at www.psanz2021.com.au

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CCLSA 2021 Webinar Series
7:00 PM19:00

CCLSA 2021 Webinar Series

In 2020 CCLSA were quick to adapt to the current world climate and restrictions on physical distancing. They premiered their first series of Webinar episodes in their 5 part compilation including the Masterclass Session. We look forward to the second series beginning in early 2021.

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DOHaD Digital
7:00 PM19:00

DOHaD Digital

Whilst we couldn’t run a physical conference in 2020, DOHaD ANZ was excited to present DOHaD Digital!

We kicked off our 2020 digital content program by revisiting our most sought after presentations from the 2019 DOHaD International Conference in Webinar Series 1 & 2. Join us this year for our first podcast series!

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GENEYE Podcast Series
1:00 AM01:00

GENEYE Podcast Series

This series explores our philosophy, values and what it takes to perform to an extremely high level in our field over a long period of time. GENEYE POD is intended for all those interested in ophthalmology – from medical students to the most advanced surgeons.

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to Oct 26

DOHaD International Congress 2019

  • Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

To create a sensational international congress in Melbourne for over 1000 delegates with a very Australian flavour.  We assisted DOHaD ANZ to pitch and win the bid for the DOHaD International 2019 Congress and we are excited to work with the Melbourne Convention Centre to put together an amazing event.  We have already secured a large amount of funding and sponsorship which will afford a lot of WOW factors for our overseas and local delegates. 

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to Dec 1

Australasian Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition

  • Sheraton on the Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Having taken this conference from some stock-standard venues to Crown Promenade in Melbourne and then to Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast, the challenge was to find a venue in Sydney which not only provided a wow factor for delegates but which would make them feel special and very 5 star!  Sydney’s Sheraton on the Park ticked all of these boxes and with some serious negotiations, the price was right for this not-for-profit association’s 2018 conference.

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to Oct 20

Australasian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons

  • Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Now in our 22nd year with AUSCRS (my how time flies when you’re having fun!), the continual challenge to find ‘outside the square’ venues for this client has been met again.  We have had ‘sole use’ of many amazing places for this event (including Hayman Island twice) and the  take-over of Peppers in Noosa in 2018 will again create a very ‘AUSCRS family’ atmosphere. What better way to network with your peers than to share an entire resort for four days.

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to Jul 20

Developmental Origins of Health & Disease ANZ

  • Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Having been involved with DOHaD ANZ since its inception four years ago, we know the importance of choosing interesting venues for this very important annual event.  The brief once again was to take the delegates away from their university campuses, hospital lecture rooms, standard venues to somewhere that is memorable and very Sydney!   And what better place than a ‘venue with a view’ of Sydney Harbour Bridge!

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to May 19

Australasian Society for Tongue & Lip Ties

  • Marriot Resort & Spa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Having been run in-house for the last event, this association’s brief was for a re-invention of their look and feel and to take their conferences to a new level.  Take away your ‘expected look’ for their conference theme, add a special venue and a few interesting program ideas and the 2018 ASTLiT Conference is headed for a great success!

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to Mar 28

Perinatal Society of Australia & New Zealand

  • ANZ Viaduct Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

With this being our 5th year with PSANZ, we were charged with the challenge of finding a venue in Auckland that would house up to 1000 delegates, 40 exhibition booths, 6 concurrent sessions, a welcome reception and a gala event in one!  And not be in your stock-standard convention centre.  The 2018 PSANZ Congress was also to be inclusive of the Maori tradition and what better way than to have a 20 foot waka boat as part of our stage theming!

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