PSANZ is a bi-national multidisciplinary society dedicated to improving the health and long term outcomes for mothers and their babies. They are the largest perinatal society in the Asia/Oceania region and strongly encourage research focused on mothers and babies during pregnancy and at birth as well as the health of the newborn as its development continues after birth.
Their annual congress aims to broaden perspectives of perinatology; stimulate research activity; present scientifically rigorous and valid new information and provide a forum to debate this new information and other ideas.
It's also the perfect opportunity for PSANZ Members and Non Members to network and meet with others in their field and across multiple disciplines.
The programme format includes transdisciplinary themed plenary sessions, breakfast sessions, interactive workshops and expert sessions, research symposia, submitted oral presentations and informal poster viewing events with plenty of time for networking and social opportunities.
In addition, the PSANZ subcommittees will host a variety of satellite meetings before and after the congress.